Simbly Bored

It's me that's bored enough to blog. The posts are interesting enough.

My Blog September 4, 2006

Filed under: The Way I Say It — The Goddess @ 11:40 am

Has evolved a lot over the last 100 posts.

It started out like an electronic “Dear Diary…” with chronicles of events, happenings, people and drama in my humble life.

It was, as I called it, a sasta, tikaoo and hassle free way of appreciating your own life.

But as the dots started to pile up, as friends came and went, as I started to grow up, I got a little secretive aboout this little space of mine. I wanted only a few to know what I was talking about. Only some people who could tell who/what I was referring to.

I like writing irrelevant things. I’m irrelevant by nature. I like being irreverant. I am irreverant. I hate verifying facts, I am put off my convention. In short, I am me.

Yes, I know. I am me and you are you.

I am me because I am me and You are you because you are you.

But let me not be me because you are you.

merablogpadho would transform into merabloglikho then…


3 Responses to “My Blog”

  1. Intimate Thoughts Says:

    for whom is this post ? 😛

  2. $T3EL Says:

    nice description of urself… then it should suit me too…
    we have twin minds, remember?

  3. $T3EL Says:

    nice description of urself…
    Then it should apply to me too…
    we have twin minds remember?

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